<%[@ IncludeFile "Code/Util.vbs" ]%> <%[ Set doc = ReportGenerator.Document Set oStringDictionaryNames = Session("oStringDictionaryNames") strTitle = Session("Title") ]%> @[ Report.WriteText strTitle ]@ <body> <p>This <b>genealogy report</b> is about <i>@[ Report.WriteText strTitle ]@</i>. <%[ Report.WritePhrase " It contains {0} individuals and {1} families[, and also {2}] from the family tree. {3}{\br}", Individuals.Count, Families.Count, Dic.PlurialCount("Picture", Pictures.Count), doc.Description Set oStringDictionaryNames = Session("oStringDictionaryNames") If (Not Util.IsNothing(oStringDictionaryNames)) Then Report.WriteLn "<ul>" WriteFamily 0, "Find", "ancestors" WriteFamily 1, "Search", "persons" WriteFamily 2, "Find", "persons" WriteFamily 3, "Search", "people" Report.WriteLn "</ul><br>You may also search for the following family names: " strSep = "" iNameLast = oStringDictionaryNames.Count - 1 For iName = 4 To iNameLast Report.WriteFormatted "{0}<a href='toc_individuals.htm#{1&t}'>{1&t}</a>", strSep, oStringDictionaryNames.Key(iName) strSep = ", " Next Report.WriteBr "." End If Sub WriteFamily(iFamily, strVerb, strPeople) If (iFamily < oStringDictionaryNames.Count) Then Report.WriteFormattedLn "<li><a href='toc_individuals.htm#{0&t}'>{2&t} the {0&t} family and its {1} {3&t}</a>.</li>", oStringDictionaryNames.Key(iKey), oStringDictionaryNames.KeyCounter(iKey), strVerb, strPeople End If End Sub ]%> <br> Copyright © 1998-2005 GenoPro Inc. All rights reserved. Download GenoPro from <a href="http://www.genopro.com/">http://www.genopro.com/</a> </p> </body>